Review by The Advocator

Created On : 14th of January, 2011
Modified On : 14th of January, 2011
This MOVIE Scored:
Plot / Story
Special Effects

60 %
( 6.0 / 10 )
Here is a list of some key areas that this MOVIE could be improved.

  • Spend a few minutes to explain or provide a back story as to how this technology was developed
  • Could have also spent less time talking about his wife and allocate some time to how he got into this field of work and what made him so special / good at it.

Action - Adventure / fantasy

A Realistic Review of INCEPTION

( inception2010 )
Here is a movie that offers alternate realities to people that are unaware what they are experiencing is not reality. Now this concept has been done before, such as The Matrix. However unlike the matrix this movie has not even attempted to discuss or disclose how the characters perform such techniques. Infact as the viewer you're often left wondering "How is this possible", because nothing like that exists today, so the movie must be set in the future, however everything else in the movie is based on todays equipment? This is a real paradox because it just detracts from the whole concept. The movie is almost 2 1/2 hours long, you would think there'd be sufficient time to add a bit of a technical explanation. But instead you're just left with a movie that's like a bag of mixed nuts.

By the way this is not a sci-fi (Science Fiction) movie because it contains NO science. It's all just fiction and therefore should be classified as fantasy instead. I see it classified as sci-fi in other reviews and I do not understand how those reviewers can not comprehend the concept of what is Sci-Fi ( Wiki Reference ). Wikipedia states it the best so check out that link.

WARNER BROTHERS Inception inception2010
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A More Indepth Analysis of each Section.
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Plot / Story
Special Effects

(This Section equates to 25% of the total score. ) This Section is Rated at ()
Comments about Cinematography

It is difficult to identify what is cinematography and what is special effects. I would say that based on the level of actions the people can perform that majority of the scenes are computer generated, which could account for the estimated $160,000,000 budget

The Good

Each scene is presented well and the blend between computer graphics and sets is not visible
The Bad

Quite often the scenes in rooms are dark and poorly lit. I've never understood why this has become the mainstay of the movie industry these days. It certainly detracts from the viewing pleasure when half of the actors face is cast in shadows for no obvious reason. Luckily these scenes are not too frequent.

(This Section equates to 25% of the total score. ) This Section is Rated at ()
Comments about Plot / Story

The Good

It holds mild interest, but it is not one that you can get absorbed by simply because the story is overshadowed by the action sequences and the vast time line differences experienced between each level of the dream states. This is brought to a conclusion closer to the end of the movie so it is more understandable, but still at almost 2 and a half hours long, it does take quite a while to get there, so it's quite easy to lose interest in the early parts of the movie.
The Bad

The Story is pretty weak simply because the movie just doesn't explain anything about the technology used, or indeed how the main character even became skilled the way he did.

There virtually is no story. The time line jumps around quite a bit and they spend way to much time discussing his dead wife than they do the actual movie or missions. The wife aspect of the movie is a red herring and completely superfluous.

Infact I would go as far as to say the plot is one of the most basic. Man has skills that make him a good thief. Man is hired under duress and then with the promise of his ultimate reward. Man goes to work for criminal. Movie doesn't conclude so we're not sure if he truly succeeded or not..

(This Section equates to 20% of the total score. ) This Section is Rated at ()
Comments about Acting

The Good

The supporting cast do a good job and I was surprised at their performances after seeing them in previous titles.
The Bad

Leonardo DiCaprio only has one facial expression for every single human emotion. He frowns when unhappy, he frowns when upset, he frowns when angry, he frowns when scared, he frowns when confused oh and he shows the same frown when he's surprised. Can you spot a trend? They could have simply used a cardboard cut out of him frowning for every scene and CGI'd the rest of his involvement.

(This Section equates to 10% of the total score. ) This Section is Rated at ()
Comments about Concept

The Good

Certainly not a new concept, however it's the computer enhancements that help pull this film off. They have introduced a few new elements such as the multi dimensional aspects of dreaming and the struggle to differentiate the differences between fact and fiction.
The Bad

The new elements they have introduced were not explained at all. Now I don't like movies spoon feeding me everything, however this film puts you on a hunger strike, simply because they provide you nothing. Example: How can multiple people have the same dream and more importantly how can they know they are dreaming and have so much control at a conscious level while unconscious?

Secondly when they attach that cord to their arm, how does that interact with their body? We see no puncture marks so it's not an IV, yet it gives them all their abilities. The whole concept of the movie falls short simply due to lack of explanation. How can a simple cord (of unknown origin) attached to the wrist (and without skin penetration), allow thoughts and dreams to navigate from one dreamer to all the others? At least The Matrix had probes that were inserted directly into the brain to facilitate the data transfer. This movie fails miserably on this point alone.

One other aspect is they are administered a drug to initiate their dream state. Then they are hooked up to an unmentioned machine via an unmentioned method. Now while in a dream they also have one of these machines, which they hook up to themselves to initiate a dream in a dream? How? That second equipment doesn't physically exist and they can't re-administer drugs while in a dream as they have no physical connection to their bodies? This goes beyond this to a third dimensional dream state. How can a piece of equipment they dream about have a physical reaction to the body to initiate an additional dimension to their dream?

We see him recruit a team member after he visits one of his old professors?. What university teaches such principals and what's it called. How did such lectures evolve into the complex aspect of dream manipulation and development?

The biggest aspect is they failed to set the period the movie is made. if it's in the future then why does everything else look like modern day.?

(This Section equates to 10% of the total score. ) This Section is Rated at ()
Comments about Special Effects

Very good. infact with out them the movie would be a bust. Still I think they are running out of ideas for new special effects and the bending of the city scape in particularly seemed quite unnecessary.

(This Section equates to 10% of the total score. ) This Section is Rated at ()
Comments about Sound

Nothing fancy. Thankfully there was no major disparity between the speech and the sound effects volume. The disparity is still there but not as vast compared to other movies.

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This Review was Last Modified on : 14th of January, 2011